Digital Scholarship Development
Welcome to Summer 2020! This is a short introduction to the fundamental skills that you'll need to complete your work this summer.
1 Setup (May 18 PM)
2 Command line and Code Editors (May 19 AM)
3 XML & TEI (May 19 PM)
4 HTML (May 20 AM)
5 CSS & Bootstrap (May 20 PM)
6 JavaScript & P5.js (May 21 AM)
7 Project work (May 21 PM)
8 request / response (May 22 AM)
We begin working with FastAPI and the interaction between client-side and server-side
9 Project work time (May 22 PM)
10 templates and dynamic web applications (May 26 AM)
11 mini-blini project (May 26 PM)
We will add new functionality to a small existing project called blini
12 Django (May 27 AM)
13 Python and Databases (May 27 PM)
How to work with databases with the Django ORM or Tortoise ORM.